Words from CEO

Mikael Kristensson, CEO Nohara Estate.

Mikael Kristensson was born in the mid-60s in Gothenburg, on the west coast of Sweden. He began his journey to succeed in business at an early age. When Mikael started investing in real estate in the mid 2000s, he had no idea how far he would go, or how prominent his network would become. It all started as a side project while working at his furniture store.

The company grew, and today Nohara Estates is the largest real estate agency in the Nordic region. Nohara Estates now caters to the world’s largest and most wealthy elite of real estate buyers and sellers.

Nohara Estates Mikael Kristensson 2
Businessman Signing A Document In Office

The formula for Mikael’s success is by no means a secret. Due to his enthusiasm for real estate and an amazing network, he’s been able to sell homes which top the charts year after year. Mikael’s journey has led him from humble beginnings to a world-class broker. Through unlimited drive and ambition this has led him to a career in real estate.

“We have seen the real estate market in Cyprus escalate over the past years. In addition the combination of strong economic growth, low interest rates and rising tourism along with a high entry point for properties, has made Switzerland stand out in terms of its potential to investors. Luxury properties valued at over 1 million Euros increased by 65 percent between 2016 and 2017.”

Modern House Exterior With Swimming Pool
Beautiful Modern House In Cement

Nohara Estate

Nohara Estates handles great deal of clients on a daily basis, who are looking for their dream homes. Their headquarters are based in several countries, within Europe and outside. Our challenge is to fulfil our customer’s desires no matter where they are, even if it entails flying our customers in a private jet or helicopter between countries to view our properties. Our close customer communication skills build long-term relationships with our clients and also lead us to new ones.

Finding the right colleagues is a crucial part of our recipe for success. Together, we will grow bigger and better. The ideal way to achieve success, is to continue on the path we have already laid out in front of us – the local one. By being local, we become global.

Nohara Estates International